50 Barker St, Lot 1, Clarksville, TN 37040

Multiple Family / 0 Bedroom(s)

Property Status:  For Sale | $90,000.00 | 

Property Photos

Developers, Builders, Investors. This lot is ready to go! Two lots available, each $90k

Property Status:
For Sale | $90,000.00

Contact Info
Jona Realty, LLC
(615) 988-5235

Request To See This Property
Property Details:
Multiple Family / 0 BR
Property Style:
No Basement
Owner / Agent:
Individual Owner
Property Features:
No Property Features Listed.
Property Description:

Lot 1. A multi-family triplex lot. Approved and ready to build. It includes all surveys, engineering plans, and architectural plans.

I also have lot 2, another triplex lot

The two Triplex lots sell each for $90,000.00 or $180,000 for both.

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Real Estate Investors of Nashville is not responsible for the properties or the information listed here. Each Property is independently owned.  Click on the link above to contact the Property Owner about this property.

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Real Estate Investors of Nashville
4525 Harding Pike Suite 200
Nashville, TN 37205
(615) 885-5454

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