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Online Masterclass: How (and Why and When) to Get 0% Interest Seller Financing When You Buy with Vena Jones-Cox

with... Vena Jones-Cox

Like the idea of no-interest mortgages? Us, too! Join us for a detailed, all-day Saturday Masterclass about how to find, negotiate, and document 0% seller-financed deals!

Saturday, January 25, 2025 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM


PHP Credits
What is PHP?

ONLINE Saturday, January 25th
8 a.m.- 2 p.m. Central

How (and Why and When) to Get
0% Seller-Carryback Financing When You Buy
with Vena Jones-Cox
OPHP: 4 hours finance, 1 hour negotiation, 1 hour purchasing [what’s this?]

          What would it mean to you if you could negotiate 0% interest seller financing on your next deal?

          Well, amongst other things…

  • You can pay a LOT more for any property than other investors will…and that’s a huge advantage in a competitive market like this one
  • You can pay OFF the property a lot faster, with the same monthly payments as you’d pay a private lender. And free and clear properties are the goal, right?
  • You can make deals with sellers who want top price, or even more than top price (and there are a LOT of those these days)
  • You can become the envy of all your investor friends…

You’ll Learn to Do ALL of that
In Our Online Seller Carryback Masterclass…

          On January 25th, creative dealmaking savant Vena Jones-Cox will share everything she’s learned about making 0% interest seller-carryback deals. Attend, and you’ll find out:

  • How to identify the sellers who CAN and WILL carry 0% interest financing
  • How to start the conversation, and answer the common objections
  • How to evaluate each deal to figure out how much payment, and for how long, the deal can “afford”. So you don’t get yourself into a deal that looks good on paper, but is actually a money-loser
  • How to use 0% seller SECOND mortgages to avoid big cash down payments on subject to deals, private loans, and other creative structures
  • How to use the “multiple offer strategy” to show the seller why taking payments is better than cash
  • How and when to offer MORE than retail price—and still get a killer deal
  • How to write the offers, and which documents you need to close
  • How to respond if the seller says, “I like the payments, but I don’t like the 0% interest!”

          You’ll have all the skills, knowledge, and documents you need to buy properties with 0% seller-carryback financing at the end…

          And if you don’t agree, just tell us, and we’ll refund your (measly) tuition!

          Register by Thursday, January 23rd, and your tuition is just $47 (if you’re a member) or $97 (if you’re not, though you can save that $50 and get ALL the benefits of membership HERE). After that, you’ll pay $67 or $127. As Always, Express Success Members, attend free. 

          And before you blow up our email asking:

Yes, the entire session will be recorded. And yes, if you’re registered, you’ll get the recordings for your education library.

          So yes, you should sign up to get this one-time masterclass. Even if you can’t attend ‘live’.

          Grab your link by registering below. This Masterclass will change your whole offer-making strategy. And get you more accepted offers. And accelerate your path to financial freedom by YEARS.


Early Bird Special Pricing...

Up To 1/23/2025

Members: $47.00 -- Non-Members: $97.00

Regular Price

Members: $67.00 -- Non-Members: $127.00

Date:  Saturday, January 25, 2025
Time:  8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

PHP Credits:
Finance (4.00 hours)
Negotiation (1.00 hours)
Purchasing (1.00 hours)
What is a PHP Credit?

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Real Estate Investors of Nashville
4525 Harding Pike Suite 200
Nashville, TN 37205
(615) 885-5454

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