Virtual Online Meeting!

Creative Deal Structuring Group
Meets the first Wednesdays online (except holidays)
Led by: Sharon Conour, Allison Bohen, Sandra Hale
This month's guest: TBA
This Focus Group virtual meeting is for those interested in increasing their education, networking, as well as brainstorming real deals using Creative Deal Structuring techniques. This meeting will include an education component on topics such as wrap mortgages, subject to financing, lease options, land contracts and more. The primary focus is to practice structuring creative deals together as a group with actual deals that you’d bring to the meeting for discussion and discuss the various possible creative solutions.
Join this virtual meeting for the community building, for the education, and for the fresh solutions in a changing market. For those who know little (or nothing) about Creative Deal Structuring - join us to be introduced to this unique and lesser-known world of “Out of the Box” deal structures and unique deal stacking. Learn to solve problems for sellers and set yourself apart in the market. For those familiar with Creative Deals, join us to practice, brain storm, meet financial friends and to contribute your knowledge to the group.
Education will primarily be offered via real deal analysis and will be supplemented with formal education - making this a great use of your time.
Fill out info on your deal to be discussed here:
Got a deal you are working on? Be sure and put it on the "deal sheet." Each month, we will go over your deals and you'll get to hear how other members might structure this type of deal. We are here to support each other and share ideas to help you learn creative deal structuring. We'll all share ideas and grow together, and sometimes we'll have some special guests who will share the techniques that worked for them.