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How to Earn 6 Figures in 6 Months in Short Sales with Dwan Bent-Twyford

with... Multiple Speaker(s)

Foreclosures are back, and that means opportunities to make great deals helping the tens of thousands of homeowners who NEED investors who know how to get them out from under their problems.

Saturday, September 24, 2022 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Online Saturday Class 
How to Earn 6 Figures in 6 Months in Short Sales with Dwan Bent-Twyford

8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Online

How to Earn 6 Figures in 6 Months
Helping Sellers in Foreclosure (and Getting Great Deals with Short Sales)

         Loan defaults have skyrocketed nationwide. And something is VERY different now than we’ve seen in the last decade:

         Many owners who can’t make their mortgage payments also owe more than their home is worth.

         Right now, about 2.1 million Americans are “underwater” on their mortgages, and that number will get bigger as the market softens.

How can that be, when home prices have increases by double digits every year for the past 2 years? It’s simple: many of these owners are 24 months or more behind in payments, thanks to the foreclosure moratorium and the now-expired forbearance agreements .

         All this data leads to one simple conclusion:

We make money solving problems for sellers.
This is a HUGE problem.
We need to learn how to solve it.
The answer is short sales.

         Foreclosures are hard on families: they often have no idea what to do, lose their homes in a very public auction, don’t get to control when or how they move out, and often find themselves the subject of “deficiency judgements” even after they think it’s all over.

         Short sales offer a more graceful, controlled, exit strategy to those owners who can’t, or don’t want to, keep their homes—and, for knowledgeable investors, a way to negotiate great deals with banks (with no actual “loss” to the underwater sellers, since they won’t get any money even if they sell for every dime the property is worth).

That’s why we’ve rounded up the Queen of Short Sales®, Dwan Bent-Twyford, to spend a day sharing her (literally up-to-the-minute) knowledge and experience, gleaned over 2 decades of negotiating short sales with sellers and lenders.

         Here’s just a taste of what you’ll find out when you attend this online workshop:

  • - How short sales REALLY work in 2022—it’s very different than a decade ago—and how to avoid wasting your time chasing deals that won’t fly)
  • - The 3 reasons banks are being more aggressive with their borrowers than we’ve ever seen, and the big reason they’re doing short sales instead of loan modifications
  • - A proven 3-step short sale process that really works
  • - Insider information, straight from a high-level bank loss mitigator to Dwan to you, that you literally won’t hear anywhere else
  • - The 15 top ways to find sellers that no one is using
  • - What your ‘scripts’ for talking the sellers (and their lenders) should sound like
  • - How to answer every seller objection quickly and easily
  • - What to do with foreclosures where you CAN’T get a short sale (hint: buy them creatively, and you’ll get paid THREE TIMES on every deal)
  • - How to get banks to let you buy properties at 50% of the after-repaired value
  • - So that you can get great deals to keep, wholesale, retail, whatever you want!

Every registrant gets these bonuses:

  1. Dwan’s “Short sale checklist” that outlines exactly what you need to gather for your (very important) short sale package for lenders

 Recordings of the entire day for your education library

And it’s Super-Affordable,
And Money-Back Guaranteed

         Members pay just $47 (if you register by September 22nd, $67 after), and non-members pay just $97* (if you register by September 22nd, $127 after)

And of course, this class is covered by our 100% money back guarantee: you’ll agree that the information and advice you get here is worth 10x the tuition, or your money back!


2022 continues to throw new challenges at us, and we continue to tap the most successful investors in the U.S. to show you how to make money anyway, in our detailed, inexpensive, online Saturday workshops about the most important skills and profitable strategies you can engage in right now. They’re all online, They’re all ‘live’ on Zoom, They’ll also all be recorded, and you’ll get a download for your real estate library of every single one you register for.
*All Saturday Intensives are FREE for Express Success members; get more details at www.reintn.org/es 


Early Bird Special Pricing...

Up To 9/22/2022

Members: $47.00 -- Non-Members: $97.00

Regular Price

Members: $67.00 -- Non-Members: $127.00

Date:  Saturday, September 24, 2022
Time:  8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Event Liability Waiver

www.REINtn.net  (Real Estate Investors of Nashville) does not give legal, tax, economic, or investment advice. REIN disclaims all liability for the action or inaction taken or not taken as a result of communications from or to its members, officers, directors, employees and contractors. Each person should consult their own counsel, accountant and other advisors as to legal, tax, economic, investment, and related matters concerning Real Estate and other investments.   

Your email will never be shared or sold to other members, vendors or any other third party without your consent.

Contact Us:

Real Estate Investors of Nashville
4525 Harding Pike Suite 200
Nashville, TN 37205
(615) 885-5454

Proud Chapter of National REIA

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