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Express Success Members Web Class: What You Don’t Know About Property Insurance That’s Hurting You

with... Multiple Speaker(s)

Don’t be one of the many investors every year who has a loss, and gets surprised that their property insurance doesn’t cover what they thought it did. Learn the common “gotchas” that most real estate investors don’t discover until it’s too late.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Express Success Members Only
Web Class and Group Coaching Call
What You Don’t Know About Property Insurance
That Can Hurt You

Over and over, year in and year out, we hear from members who didn’t
know that their property insurance didn’t cover something that they thought
it did.
And sadly, we usually hear about it when there’s a loss that turns out not
to be covered.

In this Express Success members-only training, you’ll find out:
The difference between “Actual cash value” and “replacement cost”
insurance, in price and in coverage
What “co-insurance” is, and why it might cost you tens of
thousands of dollars, and why you may have it and not know it
When and why you might need to CHANGE the policy on a property
you already own: when it’s vacant? Under rehab? Finished and

What an umbrella liability is, and why you might want one IN
ADDITION to your property insurance
Why adding your rental property to your homeowner’s policy might
be a mistake, even though your insurance agent says you should,
and even though it’s ‘cheaper’
Things YOU can do to make your investments safer and your
insurance a little cheaper
How to insure those crazy creative deals you do—subject tos, deals
in land trusts, deals that you co-own with someone else, deals
you’re SELLING with financing—so that all the RIGHT people are
covered by the policy.
This is an important lesson that lots of people don’t learn until it’s too
late, so don’t miss it.
If you’re an Express Success member, you’ll get an email telling you how
to log in to the meeting.
If you’re not, a membership would make a great Holiday Present to
yourself! The benefits are huge, including unlimited online coaching, access
to all 21 of our Saturday online workshops at no extra charge, and more!

          Check it out under the “Express Success” tab or just click HERE

This is a Members Only Event.

Date:  Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Time:  6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

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Real Estate Investors of Nashville
4525 Harding Pike Suite 200
Nashville, TN 37205
(615) 885-5454

Proud Chapter of National REIA

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